Thursday, March 3, 2022


  • Why is it important to understand the legal bases of education?

  • After your discussion, add a link of one news article that shows a negative consequence when teachers do not follow such laws or policies in education. 



  1. Legal bases of education plays its significance as foundation of organization within an educational institutional setting. It is important to understand legal bases of education to be wary of the actions that we take. As future educators and role models, we need to integrate these important informations for us to identify the right thing to do and what is not. Knowing that there are learners who will be influenced by our actions, let us bear in mind to be extra careful on the things that we do. Furthermore, legal bases of education marks the importance of quality education with a strong teaching force who will handle the bright future by facilitating and molding learners to become the best version of themselves. Aside from that, legal bases played its role by developing the education that we have and currently taking. This shows that every learner has the right to express themselves especially if there are inevitable things happening. In addition to that, legal bases of education serves as a guide to future educators to practice their rights and be professional within or outside the school campus. This is to avoid subjective and objective deficiences that may result to misinterpretation. In short, this is for the goodness of everybody.

    -Bernadine E. Catindoy ENG31

    1. A Reflection from the Article (URL)

      In the 21st century, several innovations had been cunning and new world of ideas are set into space aligned with more drastic changes coming. The value of morality lessened from a few and now, it still continues. One of the strategies that teachers do in order to adapt to these changes is to accommodate the changes applied to the society.

      "Be careful at all times". This is a famous saying that some mind seriously while others a little and most of them "don't". We often take our actions and words in a funny way without knowing the consequences it might carry. Though it do sound funny, it does not remove the fact that Professionals must maintain their good conduct and application of ethics is a must. I don't judged that easily however, if we are going to talk about being Professional here, what he did is the entire opposite of being one. Even though he did adapt the change that learners have (like having a TikTok app or a gadget) it is still unprofessional for him to record himself and create a caption like that that will encourage learners to view his video and provide feedback that aren't appropriate for them to do so. The Department of Education is very strict when it comes to cases like this because it will reflect the educational system of the Philippines. In order to prevent this, DepEd is taking action and still reviewing if the said teacher has taken into account of responsibility on the said matter.

      Hence, the reason why legal bases of education is implemented to inform every individual about the importance of ethics and why is it needed to apply daily. This pertains to an organized relationship among youths and professionals that are needed to be wary on the actions that we usually do. Remember "We should be as careful of our words as our actions". Everything that we do carries consequences no matter how good or bad that we did.

      -Bernadine E. Catindoy ENG31

  2. Legal bases of education give limitations for the students and teachers to avoid conflict in their classroom relationship. It is important to understand the legal bases of education as it is the guide for teachers and for future educators to address the needs and the proper way of dealing with the students. It is to be aware of what we need to act and to avoid crossing the line and as a future educator, we need to know first the importance of why legal bases of education are needed in this profession. This will help teachers to know what they need to consider first before putting an action. Education is really an important manner that we need to follow rules and regulations for us to keep the professionalism of both students and teachers. Knowing the importance of it is knowing the proper education that we all deserve to have. We all have rights and can voice out our opinions. Legal bases of education helps us to know what are the things we are rightful to act and equip in our minds. This should not be ignored by us. We need to take time to read, to know and to value these legal bases of education. It may help us in the future to avoid any other circumstances. We are all responsible for our every action.

    - Raquel Santos ED31

    1. Reaction to the chosen news article (link above) :

      Social media really influenced a lot of people in times of pandemic as they lessened their boredom however, professional or non-professional people must know that they need to “think before they click”. In just one snap, your video or post can be seen by a lot of people in the world. In the news article, I saw that video on TikTok and somehow, I am very disappointed in the way that the teacher is proud of what he posted. As a professional and has a lot of followers on your social media accounts, you should be educating people rather than making videos that crossed the line for students that this is way too traumatic for them if they saw videos like that. Let's encourage students in social medias to learn and acquire new knowledge and at the same time having fun without violating any rules.

      This issue must be an eye opener to everyone, especially to teachers that there are certain legal bases we are following and we must not tolerate those who violate the law. To know that teachers are also public servants, we must be capable of teaching the students in a good way without giving them any traumatic experience towards us. We should always be aware, conscious and mindful of our words and actions to prevent such violations and alarming actions. Let’s always be careful as the world is becoming more alert and fast on spreading news.

      - Raquel Santos ED31

  3. Understanding and applying the concepts of constitutional, administrative, and judicial law to educational settings begins with a basic understanding of the legal system. To comprehend the legal basis or foundations of education, we must first comprehend the laws that underpin it. In the Philippines, legislators have enacted a number of legislation to support teachers, schools, and communities. It is done to help teachers and students develop and have a better experience. It is also in the best interests of everyone. The administration may have understood that actions must be taken to improve the country's education system, prompting them to create and contemplate improvements in order to keep up with other countries.

    - Justine Maquiddang BSED31

    1. Reaction to the news article above

      I believe that teacher's viral tiktok video is both inappropriate and irresponsible. If you're a teacher, you should conduct yourself professionally and ethically at all times, especially when you're on school grounds and wearing your school uniform. Teachers are regarded for being well-respected by their pupils and coworkers. Because of the risk for child abuse, the Department of Education has ordered that the teacher be sanctioned. I believe it teaches him a lesson, as well as other teachers, not to do such things.

      - Justine Maquiddang BSED31

  4. It is vital for us to learn about the legal bases since it serves as a guide for us on how to appropriately treat our students. Legal bases are arrangements that give confinements to both the instructors and students to maintain a strategic distance from occurrences that will damage the rights of the two parties. Understanding these legal bases might offer assistance to us in knowing what are the things that an educator must do.

    1. We are all aware that it was against to the code of ethics for professional teachers to have a romantic connection with your student. The man that has gone viral on the tiktok video committed a potential child abuse for wanting to get the attention of his, so called, "cute student". As a consequence of his action, he got called out by a lot of people that even the Department of Education or known as DEPED also got notified of what he did.

  5. It is important to understand the legal bases of education because a knowledge of the legal system provides the foundation from which one can begin to understand and apply the principles of constitutional, administrative, and judicial law to school settings. The courts have played an important role in the development of the educational system at both the federal and state levels. Every citizen has a right to select a profession or course of study, subject to fair, reasonable and equitable admission and academic requirements. The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement. Non- teaching academic and non-academic personnel shall enjoy the protection of the State. Legal bases are provisions that gives limitations to both the teacher and students to avoid instances that may violate the rights of the two parties. Understanding these legal bases could help us in knowing what are the things that a teacher must do and vice versa.

    Joyce V. Hernandez BSED31

    1. In the viral video in tiktok , I've seen the motive given by the said teacher in the video which is wrong. As a future teacher we should observe our actions because we are the model of the youth, we teachers should be a good example for our students so that we should act correctly especially in the use of social media, I am reminding everyone to observe the highest degree of professionalism including the use of social media and also to always subject our words and actions, to the highest degree of ethical and professional standards. As a future educator, It is important to understand that having a teacher that lacks integrity and the culture of classroom is can cause of disadvantage to the learning process.


  Why is it important to understand the legal bases of education? After your discussion, add a link of one news article that shows a negativ...